CTF Tokens are in!

1 min readApr 22, 2021


We are delighted to announce that CTF tokens have already been credited to our investors Cointify account. Investors can check by login to https://ico.cointify.com/login

What does this mean?

  • The amount of CTF reflected on the dashboard represents the total number of CTF you are holding at the moment.
  • This means that you hold a share in Cointify and have the right to share profit on a quarterly basis.

What do I need to do now?

  • In order to entitle for profit sharing starting late this year, you will have to claim and transfer your CTF to your own personal wallet.

How do I transfer my CTF?

  • The detail step-by-step guide has already been delivered to you. Kindly refer to the guide on how to transfer.

When do I need to transfer my CTF?

  • You may transfer your CTF at any time now. In order to entitle for the profit sharing, you must transfer all your CTF before the profit sharing commence.
  • Rest assured that you will receive another update prior to the profit sharing.

What if I didn’t transfer my CTF?

  • You will not be entitled for the profit sharing.

CTF holders are advised to take extra caution while managing their CTF tokens.

